Monday, September 26, 2011

Apps iPhone - Bugs and Insects

Database of over 900 common bugs and insects (with a special emphasis on butterflies, which has over 400 entries). Many varieties of ants, spiders, cockroaches, beetles, moths, butterflies, and more for your personal interest, and also to help identify pests around the home and garden.
This is an excellent pocket reference for gardeners, students, and bug collectors, or anyone who is interested in learning more about bugs and insects, including both amateur and professional entomologists.
It’s really fun to just browse through all the interesting insect pictures, or to try to match up an insect you find in your neighborhood with those in this app.
A subset of the overall feature list for this application includes:
- Advanced search for all bugs and insects. The top 150 bugs are returned by the search engine. If you need a more finely-tuned search, simply add more terms into the search field.
- Add/edit/remove bugs and insects, and access bugs you added using My Bugs. If you find a bug description that needs revision, you can edit it using your on-screen keypad, or add your own definition.
- Shake your mobile device for a random insect. This is just fun on every level. Your kids will like this one, too.
- “View All” bugs and insects for access to every item in the database. This can take a few seconds to load since there are a LOT of bugs in this app.
- Insert a textual comment about the bug or insect. For example, you may want to keep some notes about where you learned about the insect, or where you spotted it last in the field.

(Via : Apple )


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